
The clocks around & within us

Explore the history and discoveries in chronobiology. A panorama of nearly 2’000 images and videos illustrates circadian, lunar and seasonal rhythms in living organisms. The history of the field began in 1729 when a French astronomer discovered that the daily leaf movements of the mimosa plant persisted in the absence of external time cues. This was the first demonstration of the endogenous nature of circadian rhythms (“horloges vivantes”). Nearly three hundred years later the 2017 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine was awarded for dissecting out how circadian “clock genes” tick.

We now know that biological clocks are ubiquitous in nature, their role is to make sure the right behaviour occurs at the right time, to provide temporal organisation for optimal function, whether it be finding food, meeting a mate, or avoiding predators. We can study rhythms in cyanobacteria, fruit flies, zebra fish, tidal crabs, migrating birds, hibernating hamsters, seasonal breeding sheep. The key synchroniser for these internal clocks is light and duration of daylength. In humans, the built environment and lifestyle may limit the necessary access to daylight. Body clocks are thus often out of sync with social schedules, leading to mood and sleep disorders, and long-term effects on health.

Rediscover the importance of light!

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Many thanks to all the data collectors:

Thank you to all our dedicated collaborators for your invaluable contribution to this project. Your expertise, commitment, and innovative thinking have been the driving force behind our success. Together, we have turned vision into reality, creating something truly remarkable. Your hard work and partnership are deeply appreciated.

How to add new data to the CLOCKS AROUND AND WITHIN US website, submission guidelines.

Format. Every media in high resolution. Images: jpg or png. Videos: mp4 or mov, Audios: mp3, Texts: txt.

Information for each item. File name, Author, Date, Description (information for item), Copyright.

Decide which of the 7 themes your contribution fits. Within that theme, choose a subtheme and the item number where it fits in, or define your own subtheme (for a set of items belonging together).

Submit to webmaster@srbr.org.


All material gathered for this website has been approved by the authors, checked for copyright, or is available through Creative Commons. If any item should prove incorrectly attributed please contact the webmaster at info@srbr.org.

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